6.6 million people would rather give up showering for this one thing...

Are you one of them?

Published 4th Oct 2016

Recent research has revealed that 6.6 million people would rather have a cup of tea than make time for other morning activities including having a shower.

The research by Twinings has confirmed that a large proportion of the UK population would prioritise a cup of tea over having a shower, eating breakfast and (for women) putting on makeup.

It turns out we really like our tea in the UK, so much so that people regularly tweet about the idea of having a cup of tea.

Most Brits have their first cup of tea at 7am and admit they aren't fully awake before having it. Amazingly 16% of the population say that their day is disrupted if they can't have a cup of tea to start their day.

Cognitive neuroscientist and psychologist Lynda Shaw agrees, “Daily routine plays a really important role, and when this routine is disrupted, it can have a knock on effect for the whole day" she says, "everything from work to family and relationships."

While the research reveals that 13% of the UK population would be willing to skip a shower rather than a cup of tea, it's higher in North East England and Northern Ireland where 18% of the population would be happy to skip a shower, whereas just 9% of people in North West would do that same.

How important is your cup of tea?