12 things you only understand if you LOVE and NEED coffee

How much do you love a cup of joe?

Published 29th Sep 2016

Some people really don’t like coffee – but for others it’s a way of life.

1. Your first thought in the morning is how you are going to get your coffee. You can't skip it and function!

2. People can tell if you haven't had your morning cup of coffee. Do. Not. Approach.

3. And when you have, life can begin. Watch out world!

4. You convince yourself that with enough coffee you could do anything. We've got this!

5. Until you begin to dip and desperately need another cup. Just one more...

6. You plan your day around coffee breaks. You need the pick me up.

7. You secretly consider yourself an expert in the art of coffee-making. Nobody can make it how you like it.

8. You are willing to experiment with coffee in weird and wonderful ways. Coffee lollies? Yes please!

9. You display your mug collection like trophies. And you have a favourite.

10. The smell of freshly brewed coffee gets you really excited. MMMMMMMMMMMM!

11. You are thinking about your next cup right now. Just off to pop the kettle on...

12. You actually love coffee. And can't understand anyone who doesn't!