Send us your fact for Every Day's a School Day

You could be the talk of the playground when you share your interesting fact on Northsound 1.

Author: Boogie in the Morning

Each weekday on Boogie in the Morning, we learn something interesting from the kids on Every Day's a School Day.

So if you are under 16 and have an interesting fact you'd like to share with every one, enter your details below and we'll be in touch. If you are selected, you'll be able to come on to Northsound 1 and share your fact with everyone listening.

Your fact can be about anything at all. Some of the previous topics include history, animals, space, sport and the human body. The only rules are, it must be true and it must blow our minds!

So tell us something you've learned at school, on YouTube, TikTok, in a book or from a parent and it could be featured on Boogie in the Morning.

Rayo PremiumRayo Premium

Mary Mandefield

Northsound 1