Work starts on £5million school extension

A turf cutting ceremony today marked the start of a new £5million school extension project by Aberdeen City Council.

Published 19th Feb 2016

A turf cutting ceremony today marked the start of a new £5million school extension project by Aberdeen City Council.

Pupils, parents and staff at Greenbrae School in the Bridge of Don looked on as work began on the site of the new purpose built facility.

As well as improving the learning environment for children, the new extension will dramatically improve the sustainability of the school. Despite almost doubling in size, the schools energy consumption is expected to remain the same.

This will be achieved through increased insulation, passive solar gain, natural ventilation and the use of renewable energy sources.

Systems have also been put in place to monitor heating and energy use as well as controlling carbon dioxide levels in classrooms, a factor known to affect the concentration of teacher and pupils.

Aberdeen City Council finance convener Councillor Willie Young, who today broke the first ground on the site, said: “Today marks one of the many commitments we have made to improve upon the educational value we offer our children.

“Investment in our schools safeguards the future of our city and it is our commitment to offer all of the children in Aberdeen a rich learning experience and an equal chance to reach their own potential.

“This extension will provide pupils with new sustainable facilities and will provide staff the very best in order to help them deliver the curriculum for excellence.”

A time capsule, created by nursery and primary classes, was also placed under the site for future generations to discover.

The capsule included insights into the lives of the children including photographs of the nursery classes, a P4 timetable, a Greenbrae nursery sweater, and a DVD of the school Christmas play.

Head Teacher, Anna Royle, said: "We are all very excited about the new facilities and opportunities this wonderful extension will afford for the children and staff here at Greenbrae School.

"In particular we are looking forward to having dual technology in the classrooms which will allow us to operate one of the most advanced IT system in the city.

"The outdoor facilities for the whole school, including friendship benches, and the adaptability of open or closed classrooms will encourage social interaction."

The two-story school extension will create new classrooms, increasing the school roll to more than 330 pupils.

The ground floor will include some of these classrooms, a games hall, a medical room and dining facilities. A library and new toilets for both pupils and staff will also be created.

The first floor will consist of more classrooms, a general purpose room and a new outdoor teaching facility which will add to the overall learning experience of the pupils.

Work will also be carried out to increase the capacity of the schools nursery from 40 pupils to 80.

The project will be completed in sections, with all of the work aiming to be completed by the end of the October holidays.

The building work is being carried out by Robertson Construction Eastern Ltd.

Regional Managing Director Keith Taylor said: “Breaking ground at Greenbrae marks the seventh project which we have delivered for Aberdeen City Council in the last two years.

“We have a strong track record of constructing and extending occupied developments and are experienced in working in a manner which minimises the disruption to the learning environment.

“Bringing the architects drawings to life we will deliver a transformed space which provides a positive learning environment that will make a meaningful difference to the pupils’ experience.”