Windows smashed at Aberdeen primary school

Tullos School was targeted over the weekend

Published 2nd Oct 2017

Vandals have broken 22 windows at an Aberdeen primary.

Tullos School was targeted in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The police want local parents to make sure they know where their kids are at night

Torry Community Policing Team Constable Andy McNally said, "Vandalism to a school in particular is completely unacceptable. The cost of repair in this case will be significant and there can be impact upon pupils, parents and school staff until such repairs can be made".

Police are appealing for witnesses or those with further information as to who may be responsible to contact them.

Constable McNally added, "This was a mindless act. I particularly appeal to the parents of young people in the area to be aware of what their children are doing when out at night and to reinforce the consequences of such acts upon the community and themselves. Anyone found to be will be reported to the appropriate authority be that the Procurator Fiscal or Youth Justice Management Unit"