"Luke's off-road wheelchair" campaign moves towards its £15,000 target

Luke Wood, 20, suffered a life changing brain injury in June 2016

Published 24th Apr 2017
Last updated 24th Apr 2017

A campaign is underway to help a North East man, whose life has been changed because of a severe brain injury.

Luke Wood, 20, from Whitehouse was involved in a serious car accident last year and spent the following six months in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.

One of those months was spent in the hospital's Intensive Care Unit where he

He is now receiving treatment in Glasgow and is due to arrive home in July.

His family and friends are raising money to get him a 4X4 wheelchair - so he can go outside by himself.

Luke's girlfriend Amber Johnston, 19, says it'll make a huge difference to his life.

A Crowdfunding Page has been set up to try and raise the £15,000 needed to buy the chair, with over half the money already raised.

A post on the page says: "Luke, like most 19 year olds, was full of life, optimism, youthful invincibility and anticipation of what his future was going to hold.

"He was just about to start that journey at Strathclyde University when he had a serious road traffic accident which has left him with a severe traumatic brain injury.

"The staff at the rehab centre are super optimistic that he can achieve this.

"His parents are currently constructing a fully adapted extension for Luke so that when he leaves the rehab centre he can come home.

"There will be many pieces of equipment involved in Luke's future care, but one of the most important ones will be a 4x4 electric wheelchair (mybility Four X DL stand up wheelchair) that not only allows him to move around the home, but also allows him to stand (greatly aiding his lungs and digestion which will make him stronger and more resilient to infection) and also means he can go outside into the garden and countryside that surrounds his home.

"This will be hugely beneficial (not just as he will be able to enjoy fresh air and outdoor sensory stimulation which will aid his on going rehabilitation), but more importantly he will be able to join in family life to the full (walks with the dog, BBQ’s, watching his mum garden!) and hopefully further down the line go on trips with friends and with my daughter to allow them to enjoy some of the things they loved doing together so much."

You can donate to the cause here