Watches worth hundreds stolen from Ellon Jewellers

It happened at K&C Jewellers in the early hours of Saturday

Published 13th Mar 2017

Thousands of pounds worth of damage was caused at an Aberdeenshire jewellers over the weekend.

It happened at K&C Jewellers in Ellon in the early hours of Saturday – with thieves making off with watches worth hundreds of pounds. Police have been making extensive inquiries into what happened have been ongoing all weekend.

Local Inspector Graeme Penny said: " We are following several lines of inquiry and I can provide every assurance that local officers working alongside a team from CID are using every resource available to identify the person or persons responsible.

"Crimes of this nature are extremely rare in this particular community and local residents and regular visitors will have been extremely disappointed to hear that a local business has been targeted in such a disgraceful manner.

"We would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time in question and saw anything or anyone suspicious to please contact Police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you would prefer to remain anonymous. In particular I would appeal to taxi drivers, delivery drivers or any other motorists who may have been using the roads at that time and saw anything to let us know."