WATCH: Woman's battle with legal highs

An Aberdeenshire woman's speaking to Northsound about her battle to break her addiction to so-called legal highs.

Published 7th Dec 2015

An Aberdeenshire woman has been telling us about her battle with a legal highs addiction - and her mission to warn others of the dangerous drugs.

She suffered from kidney failure, couldn't sleep, had constant pins-and needles, and was diagnosed with personality disorder - all because of new psychoactive substances.

She spoke to Northsound News earlier this year about her struggle to get clean.

Tammy's been honoured at Drugs Action's 'Recovery Star Awards' for her work to help others battling the addiction in the North East.

Tammy's made a video for DA telling her story.

If you need help with any substances, you can call DA on 01224 594700 or go to their website here