Watch: Aberdeen tower block fire treated as suspicious

It's believed a doormat was set alight on Wednesday morning

Published 15th Nov 2017
Last updated 15th Nov 2017

A fire's wrecked the inside of a Hazlehead high rise building, with police telling us they think it was started on purpose.

It's believed a doormat was set alight outside a sixth floor flat in Davidson House.

It started at around 7:40am.

Our reporter Phil McDonald has been to the scene.

Stacey Thomson, lives on the ninth floor, said: "There was a really strong smell of smoke and gassy smells.

"I looked outside and there were fire engines and police - then an ambulance turned up so I started panicking.

"I got my wee one up and got dressed just in case we had to evacuate. I didn't know what to do."

Detective Inspector David Howieson, who is leading the investigation, said: "Thankfully no one was injured, and thanks to the quick actions of the fire service no one needed to be evacuated from the building.

"However I don't think I need to stress that the consequences of this reckless and dangerous behaviour could have been much worse."