The View frontman faces abuse charges onboard plane

Kyle Falconer has appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court over allegations he abused crew on a Jet2 flight to Glasgow Airport

Published 26th Aug 2016

Scots rocker Kyle Falconer hurled homophobic abuse at a male cabin crew member on a flight home from Spain, according to court papers.

The 29 year old The View frontman is also alleged to have shouted, swore and acted aggressively towards fellow passengers while armed with two bottles.

Falconer was arrested in June after the alleged incident onboard a Jet2 flight between Reus Airport and Glasgow International Airport.

The Dundee singer was hauled off the plane by French police in Nantes after the captain made an emergency stop to have him removed.

The musician later traveled back to Scotland where he was arrested by officers from Police Scotland over his alleged antics on the June 17 flight.

And Falconer - famous for hits Same Jeans, Wasted Little DJs and Shock Horror - is now being prosecuted at Paisley Sheriff Court over what took place on the plane.

Court documents show that Falconer, of Lochee, Dundee, faces two charges of alleged threatening and abusive behaviour.

He is accused of behaving "in a threatening or abusive manner which was likely to cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm" by shouting, swearing and acting aggressively towards other passengers "whilst in possession of two bottles."

And he faces a second charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner by hurling homophobic abuse at a cabin crew member on board the flight.

Falconer - whose band walk on stage to chants of "The View are on fire" from fans - was originally due to appear in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court over his behaviour on the flight on Monday, June 19.

But he had a six-hour wait for a hearing that never took place, arriving at the Renfrewshire court in the morning and leaving with his fiancee around 4pm without appearing in the dock.

The pair, wearing Fred Perry shirts, sat in the criminal office within the building before being photographed frolicking together in the street outside.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said at the time: “Police Scotland has received a complaint regarding the behaviour of a passenger onboard a Jet2 flight from Reus to Glasgow on Friday, June 17, which resulted in the flight being diverted and the passenger ejected. “We can confirm a 29-year-old man was arrested and is the subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal in connection with the incident.”

A Jet2 spokesman said on the day of Falconer's arrest in France: “Our captain made the decision to divert the Reus to Glasgow flight LS122 to Nantes today after a male passenger became increasingly violent and disruptive on board.

“Our crew had no option but to take action for the continued safety of our customers and crew.

“He has now been offloaded in Nantes and handed over to the local authorities.

“We will be launching a full investigation working alongside Police Scotland and will be following due process under the law to prosecute and recover our costs incurred by this unnecessary diversion.

“We apologise to our customers for having to witness such disruptive behaviour and for the delay to their journey home.

“Our Onboard Together initiative commits to taking a zero-tolerance stance against anti-social behaviour for the wellbeing of our customers and crew.”