Unite seeks backing of MSPs for oil sector investment motion

Published 4th Nov 2016

An offshore union is calling on MSPs to back a Holyrood motion calling for public investment in the oil and gas industry.

Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald has lodged the motion which calls on the Scottish Government to consider using its new borrowing powers to buy a stake in offshore infrastructure - like new pipelines or platforms.

The Unite union claims public stakes from both the Scottish and UK governments could drive investment, help support jobs and and raise funds.

Unite regional officer Tommy Campbell said: There is no doubt that the oil and gas sector is going through a difficult time.

Our members are the people who are worst affected by the crisis - with attacks on their working conditions and as many as 120,000 jobs forecast to be lost by the end of this year.

Scotland's oil and gas sector is vital to the economy of the country. The Scottish Government can't do everything to help us out of these difficulties but it should be leading by example.

This motion calls on the Scottish Government to start discussions with the UK Government, industry and trade unions to create a plan for co-investment that will support jobs, increase confidence and create returns to the public purse.

We hope every MSP will sign the motion. Our members in the sector expect nothing less.''

The motion calls on Holyrood to note that the oil and gas sector cannot be left exclusively to market forces'' and urgesactive consideration of strategic public stakes in infrastructure investment''.

Mr Macdonald said: Scottish Labour supports the idea of public stakes in the oil and gas industry.

We have called for the creation of a new public body, UK Offshore Investment Limited (UK Oil), to identify areas for temporary public investment.

UK Oil would work with the Oil and Gas Authority to identify strategic assets that are potentially profitable.

That would help to prevent platforms and pipelines being lost earlier than planned and potentially help fund new ones for the future.

We urgently need imaginative thinking like this now - otherwise the oil and gas sector could continue to decline due to lack of investment.''