Should Union Terrace Gardens be closed after dark?

There are calls for Union Terrace Gardens to be closed at night, after another alleged sex attack over the weekend.

Published 29th Mar 2016

There are calls for the gates of Union Terrace Gardens to be closed after dark.

It follows an alleged sexual assault of a woman over the weekend - the second this year.

A 26 year old man is due to appear at Aberdeen Sheriff Court today over the incident, but there's been no arrests made over the earlier incident, despite a number of appeals from the police.

SNP Group Leader Stephen Flynn said: “The incident on Sunday was the second in a very short space of time and the public will understandably be concerned. Public safety has to be our main concern and as a council we must do everything we possibly can to ensure that the Union Terrace Gardens are safe.

"We need to see the park being locked at night in the first instance until safety improvements can be made. If the gates are locked it would help however that will not be enough in itself and much more needs to be done.

“I hope that my suggestions will set the ball rolling, and that the council will undertake immediate work to ensure a multi-agency solution so that the area can be made much safer."

Northsound News caught up with Councillor Flynn to talk about the issue: