Two men on trial over attempted murder of Aberdeen family

Two men have gone on trial accused of attempting to murder a family after a charity event at a city pub.

Published 27th Jul 2016

Matthew Boyle, 42, and Kevin Deans, 40, allegedly stabbed John and Sylvia Gallagher and their 30-year-old daughter Charlie with a knife on August 30 last year.

They are said to have attacked the family as they waited for a lift outside the Broadsword Bar in Aberdeen.

The two men are on trial facing eight charges at the High Court in Aberdeen.

Giving evidence yesterday, Mr Gallagher, who is believed to be from the Inverness area, said they had been at the pub enjoying a night out with friends before the alleged attack.

The 64-year-old claimed a fight broke out after Deans became foul mouthed and made vulgar sexual remarks to his daughter.

He said: "I told him to get home, get a big bar of soap to wash his mouth out.

"I was leaning on a railing and he swung forward towards me.

"I tried to get a hold of him but another person intervened as well and started to assault me.

"It was just a melee. They were punching and kicking and I ended up on the floor."

Mr Gallagher said he was aware of another person pulling Boyle, the other man claimed to be attacking him, away.

He claimed the two men eventually ran off but returned to the scene shortly afterwards with knives.

The scrap metal recycling operations manager said his wife and daughter were standing in the pub car park at the time.

He said: "They went to confront the guys coming with knives. I don't know whether they walked or ran towards them.

"My daughter was shouting, 'Just go away. We don't want any trouble', and then obviously she was attacked.

"Someone came to the side of me and I ended up with a blow to my side."

Mr Gallagher said he was trying to find out had caused his body wound when he heard his daughter shout that her mother had been stabbed.

Boyle and Deans deny all charges against them.

It is alleged that both men acted together to stab members of the family on the head and body, leaving them severely injured and permanently disfigured.

And it is alleged the injuries suffered by Mr Gallagher have left him impaired for life.

Boyle has lodged the special defence of self defence.

The trial continues this afternoon.