Tory MSP calls for fatal accident inquiry into death of boxer Mike Towell

A fatal accident inquiry should be held into the death of boxer Mike Towell, an MSP has said.

Published 4th Oct 2016

A fatal accident inquiry should be held into the death of boxer Mike Towell, an MSP has said.

The 25-year-old welterweight had to be stretchered from the ring after a fifth-round loss to Dale Evans in a St Andrew's Sporting Club fight in Glasgow last Thursday night.

The father, from Dundee, was rushed to Queen Elizabeth University Hospital where he was diagnosed with severe bleeding and swelling to his brain. He died on Friday night.

It has since emerged the boxer had been complaining of headaches in the run-up to the fight.

Conservative MSP Brian Whittle, who is a former Olympic athlete, said: "In my view, this is a place of work and the young man has died at his work, which would then mean you should really have a full fatal accident inquiry into this.

"We need to make sure that the proper expertise is brought in because there are some anecdotal things that are being said around the fact that he wasn't particularly feeling well before he stepped into the ring.

"He was complaining of headaches, etc, so, to me, that sounds like there's something been missed here. I think it's really important that we call for a fatal accident inquiry."

A Crown Office spokesman said: "The procurator fiscal has received a report in connection with the death of a 25 year-old man in Glasgow on September 30.

"The investigation into the death, under the direction of Scottish fatalities investigation unit (SFIU), is ongoing and the family will be kept updated in relation to any significant developments."