Thousands Sign Petition Against Marischal Square Development

More than 5,000 people have signed a petition against the controversial development of Marischal Square, on the former St Nicholas House site.

Published 13th Jan 2015

More than 5,000 people have signed a petition against the controverisal development of Marischal Square.

Thousands got involved after a 3D imaging video, showing what the completed structure will look like, was released.

It appears to show that the building will block the view of the historic Marischal College.

But organisers of the campaign against the controversial development are urging more Aberdonians to help them stand against the project, by signing the petition and writing letters to local council members, and the developers. But sources close to Muse Development, who are in charge of the project, say the video is a "poor representation of what is to be a world class development". Our reporter Hope Webb spoke to Owain Robertson, from the group against the development. Listen to Northsound News all of today to hear what he had to say about their fight: