Teen hospitalised after Kittybrewster attack

Two men tried to mug the 19 year old last night

Published 12th Apr 2017

A teenager’s been hospitalised after an unprovoked attack in Kittybrewster.

Last night (Tuesday 11th April) a 19-year-old man was approached by two other men at Elmbank Terrace around midnight where he was asked to hand over his valuables.

The pair made off without anything, however the young man sustained a facial injury and was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for treatment.

Detective Constable Kimberley Patterson said: "This appears to have been a completely unprovoked attack which has left a young man in hospital.

"I am appealing to anyone who either lives in the area or was in the area at the time and saw anything to please get in touch. In particular we want to trace two men described as being in their late teens, one of whom was about 6ft, of a slim build and was wearing a black hooded top. They were last seen heading in the Bedford Road direction.

"Please contact police on 101 with any information or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 if you would prefer to remain anonymous."