'Take The Time' campaign praised as Government launches loneliness strategy

Author: Hope WebbPublished 19th Dec 2018
Last updated 15th Jan 2019

Our 'Take The Time' campaign is being praised for helping shape the Scottish Government's new strategy to tackle loneliness.

ÂŁ1m is being invested by the Scottish Government in order to help reduce social isolation. It will go towards befrieding projects, new housing pilots and expanding transport links.

Our campaign 'Take The Time' has been investigating the problem of loneliness and has led to more than 1,300 people signing up to become befrienders.

Sarah Van Putten from Befriending Networks says: "Definitely the 'Take The Time' campaign has really helped to raise the profile of befriending and that ties in to the profile of befriending being larger in the strategy. So we are really pleased and happy for what 2019 will bring.

"It's been a huge success. It is always difficult to recruit volunteers, but it is something that is really worthwhile. So to see more volunteers come about thanks to the campaign is really great."

Minister for Older People and Equalities, Christina McKelvie, says: "One in ten people in Scotland report often feeling lonely. In today's fast paced world, with technological advancements, people can sometimes feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with rapid changes in society. This can lead to people withdrawing and losing touch with friends and family.

"People often feel afraid to admit they are lonely or isolated yet these feelings can affect anyone at any age, or stage, or walk of life. It is known that social isolation and loneliness can have a significant impact on a person's physical and mental wellbeing which is why we are tackling this issue with a preventative approach allowing loneliness and social isolation to be treated as a public health issue