Tablets and laptops stolen from Aberdeen primary school

Author: Phil McDonaldPublished 4th Jan 2018

A number of tablets and laptop computers have been stolen from an Aberdeen school.

The break-in at Bramble Brae Primary School in Northfield happened at 6.20pm on Wednesday 3 January 2018.

The property stolen is valued at over £1,000.

Enquiry Officer, PC Jordan Cheyne of the Northfield Community Policing Team, said: "I would urge anyone with any information relating to this break in to get in touch with Police Scotland as a matter of urgency.

"The stolen devices are a valuable asset for the school and the pupils in their education and learning which those responsible have selfishly deprived them of.

"If you know of anyone who has recently come into possession of a number of tablet or laptop computers, has been offered any device for sale you are suspicious of or has any information which would assist Police with their investigations, please call Police Scotland on 101 using reference number 2981 of 3 January or alternatively Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you wish to remain anonymous."