No surge in support for independence after Theresa May speech, poll finds

Theresa May's announcement that "now is not the time" for another referendum has not boosted support for independence, according to a new poll.

Published 24th Apr 2017

Theresa May's announcement that "now is not the time" for another referendum has not boosted support for independence, according to a new poll.

A BMG survey for The Herald found the Prime Minister's declaration last month has not changed public opinion in Scotland.

The poll earlier this month found 43% of those questioned said they support independence, 45% were opposed and 12% unsure.

Excluding "don't knows", 49% said they supported independence while 51% backed the Union, results which have hardly changed since similar polls in January and February.

Dr Michael Turner, head of polling at BMG Research, told the newspaper: "Our latest poll for The Herald shows public support for an independent Scotland remains on a knife-edge ever since Theresa May's 'hard Brexit' speech in January.

"Some 43% of Scots say they would vote for independence, with 45% in favour of the Union. Around 12% say they are yet to make up their mind.

"Excluding those who haven't yet made up their mind, that puts support for independence at 49% and 51% in favour of the Union."

BMG polled 1,041 Scottish residents between April 7 and 11.

An SNP spokesman said: "This poll shows that support for independence remains strong and steady.

"Scotland now faces the prospect of paying a high price for a hard-right Tory government for years to come at Westminster as well as a rock-hard Brexit.

"These issues will help determine what kind of country Scotland will be - so the people of Scotland should have the final choice on our future."