Sturgeon To Hold Talks With Cameron

Published 13th Dec 2014

Nicola Sturgeon will hold face-to-face talks with David Cameron tomorrow for the first time since becoming First Minister.

She will be in London for a Joint Ministerial Committee before the one-to-one discussions with the Prime Minister.

The pair will discuss the Smith Commission agreement, including the proposal that the Scottish Parliament be given powers over its own elections, which could pave the way for 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in Holyrood elections.

Speaking ahead of the talks, Ms Sturgeon said: Giving 16 and 17-year-olds the vote for the independence referendum is widely seen as having been a huge success, which added to the unprecedented democratic engagement of the campaign and the massive turnout.

We want to make sure those same young adults now have the chance to vote in the next Scottish Parliament election, and have their say on how the country should be run.

But to do that we need agreement from Westminster - and that's why tomorrow's talks with the Prime Minister are so important.

I will make it clear to David Cameron that we need to see swift action to make sure the powers are transferred in time to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to have a vote in the next Holyrood election.

Any delay by Westminster in taking forward the necessary steps could see them deprived of a vote - but I am very confident that will not happen and that myself and the Prime Minister will reach a deal.''

She said the issue was a key early test'' of Westminster's commitment to delivering the additional powers proposed by the Smith Commission.

While those powers are not nearly as extensive as we would have wished, we do welcome them and now need to see them delivered as quickly as possible,'' she added.