Sturgeon: Carers Will Get More Cash

Nicola Sturgeon is pledging that SNP MPs at Westminster will work to deliver a ``better, fairer deal'' for Scotland's 100,000 carers.

Nicola Sturgeon
Published 24th Apr 2015

Nicola Sturgeon is pledging that SNP MPs at Westminster will work to deliver a better, fairer deal'' for Scotland's 100,000 carers.

The First Minister will highlight her party's plans to increase the allowance carers receive as the General Election campaign continues.

Speaking ahead of campaigning in Glasgow, the SNP leader said carers performed an invaluable job'' but had been among thosehit the hardest by Westminster austerity''.

She said: It is simply unfair that carers do not receive the same support as those looking for work. That's why the SNP will use our influence at Westminster to put carers firmly on the Westminster agenda, securing an increase in carers' allowance benefiting carers to the tune of ÂŁ600 per year.

We will never be able to do enough to fully recognise the incredible work our carers do. But carers in Scotland - and across the UK - can be confident that the SNP will be a strong voice for their interests in the House of Commons and will use our influence at Westminster to deliver a better, fairer deal.''

While the SNP leader will raise the plight of carers, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander will use a speech in Aberdeen to argue that a coalition government involving the Liberal Democrats is the best way to provide continued stability for the UK's economy and financial markets.

Mr Alexander will set out the risks he believes could result from politically unstable'' confidence and supply deals between parties, and also fromideologically driven'' single party governments.

Meanwhile the Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson will team up with Scotland Office Minister David Mundell in the south of Scotland, to highlight the problem young people in rural communities face with many having to leave home to find work.

The Scottish Greens, who are standing in the majority of seats north for the first time, will set out their jobs plan when co-convener Patrick Harvie visits Stirling.

Mr Harvie, a Green MSP for Glasgow, said: Small and medium-sized businesses and their workers are being held back as politicians in the Westminster bubble talk of a time of scarcity and a need for cuts, when the reality is big businesses and rich individuals are dodging taxes and not paying their fair share.

We need an economy that has people at the centre, and we need to see more support for a low-carbon future, with more focus on Scotland's diverse independent business base. Electing more Green MPs would ensure a greater emphasis on investment in sustainable sectors and local employment so we all have a chance of experiencing real recovery.''