Storm Frank firefighters honoured

Firefighters from Ballater and Aberdeen have been recognised for their bravery in their response to the recent storms

Published 25th May 2016

Firefighters from Ballater and Aberdeen have been recognised for their bravery in their response to the recent storms.

Crew Manager Dennis Chalmers and firefighter Christopher McAllister - based at North Anderson Drive - waded through rising flood water to rescue three elderly people and carry them to safety at a care home in Bridge of Dee on the 30th of December.

And the whole of Ballater Fire Station have also been recognised for going above and beyond when the storms devastated their town.

The station itself was flooded, and seven of the firefighters' own homes were hit - but it was only after helping others that they returned home.

At an awards ceremony in Aberdeen last night Chief Officer Alisdair Hay said…

: “The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service response to Storm Frank – which affected all parts of the country – truly exemplified our commitment to providing a first class emergency service to our communities.

“Our firefighters are, quite rightly, praised for their abilities at fighting fires but the efforts of the Ballater crews and those from North Anderson Drive show that our capabilities extend far beyond that.

“The unprecedented conditions the country suffered during the winter period threw up a wide variety of different and unique challenges for our firefighters to contend with. What followed was a truly national response, as we focused our best resources from around Scotland to the worst hit areas.

“It gives me great pleasure and pride to formally highlight some of the firefighters who demonstrated that service-wide determination to do what was best for the people of Scotland.”