Take a look inside Stonehaven's Covid Vaccine Clinic

Northsound had the chance earlier to take a look at the Vaccination centre in Stonehaven's town hall, speaking to a Local GP about how it's going and to some of the locals getting the vaccine.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 15th Jan 2021

Northsound has been getting a look at Stonehaven's Covid Vaccine clinic to get an idea of the process behind getting your jag.

Located at the Town Hall, Over 80's locally have been invited over the past two days to get their first dose - NHS Grampian expect by the end of today (Friday 15 Jan) around 600 people will have been given their injection.

Have a look inside:

What's NHS Grampian saying?

David Pfleger, Director of Pharmacy for NHS Grampian said:

“Wave 2 of our vaccination plan sees us start to offer immunisation to the wider community. I am pleased to say some small clinics have already taken place this week and these will expand in line with available vaccine supplies."

"This will see our over 80s population (those at home, in sheltered housing, and currently in hospital) be offered the injection. As with the ‘flu immunisation programme, we will get in touch with them to offer them an appointment. They should not contact their GP or other healthcare professional but wait for contact to be made from the NHS. The public’s co-operation will help vaccination go as smoothly as possible."

“I know there is a great deal of interest in this programme and people are keen to know when they will be offered immunisation. I have to stress this is the biggest mass vaccination programme we have ever undertaken and it will take time. Our current plan works on the basis that we will offer jabs to people aged 70 and over, and those who are clinically extremely vulnerable, throughout February, with the plan widening out further as vaccine supplies and staffing allow."

"Our order of priority following the over 70s is those who are identified as clinically extremely vulnerable according to JCVI guidance, those aged 65-69, those aged 16-64 with underlying health conditions, those aged 60-64, then 55-59 and concluding with those aged 50-54 during April. After that, the programme will fully extend to all other adults."

“This whole programme hinges on two key factors: the availability of vaccine supplies and the recruitment of staff. We are recruiting right now and expect to take on 100 whole time equivalent vaccinators (in addition to the vaccinators we already have working for us) and 280 Healthcare Support Workers. We will need to undertake further recruitment if we are to meet the ambition of carrying out 50,000 vaccinations per week.”