Speed warning for AWPR motorists

Motorists continue to ignore temporary speed limits put in place to allow construction workers to operate close to the A90 and other main routes.

Published 29th Feb 2016

Motorists driving near work sites along the AWPR route have been they could be putting lives at risk if they don't slow down.

The warning comes as more speed restrictions and single carriageways are imposed along the A90 and other main routes. Officers from both the North East Divisional Road Policing Unit and the Trunk Road Patrol Group have given regular attention to the area and are carrying out a number of speed checks, particularly near the site exits and entrances. Malcolm Findlay, General Manager, Aberdeen Roads Limited, said: “Every day our operatives and sub-contractors are working on the construction of the AWPR/B-T project and, as part of these works, the existing road network. We need road users to respect the temporary speed limits and traffic signals in place, for their own safety as well as that of our workforce. “Whilst we appreciate it can sometimes be frustrating when there appears to be no obvious works in the immediate vicinity of some of the restrictions, they have been put in place as a safety measure.” Inspector Jon Barron of the Divisional Road Policing Unit added: "The majority of motorists are obeying restrictions and adapting their driving accordingly. However, there continues to be a small minority who flout the temporary speed limits. Many of those drove considerably in excess of what the restrictions are. Of these, many were local residents, including some who use the respective roads regularly. "Not only is this extremely disappointing, but this behaviour is clearly dangerous. It has been fortunate that, in light of some of the incidents officers have witnessed to date, no-one has been injured. I would urge motorists to show some patience and consideration for those working in close proximity to the road. Those carrying out the works are extremely vulnerable. Given the size and scale of the entire operation as it continues into the coming weeks and months, it is vital that everyone plays their part. "The speed limits aren't intended to act as an obstacle to anyone's progress. They have been introduced to make sure that everyone can stay safe; the road users and those working nearby. Where you see speed restrictions signs, where you see an area coned off, where you see the works vehicles, where there are temporary traffic signals or a temporary road surface, please, please slow down."