Speed cameras raise £5M in fines across Scotland

Speed cameras across Scotland raised more than £5 million in fines last year, according to figures.

Published 18th Jun 2017

Speed cameras across Scotland raised more than £5 million in fines last year, according to figures.

The total is £200,000 higher than the previous year and the highest amount since 2014.

Cameras in Tayside, Central and Fife produced the most money, £1.3 million, followed by Grampian and the Highlands and Islands, which generated £1.2 million.

The devices record motorists who break the speed limit with automatic fines, resulting in £5,095,100 being paid to courts in 2016-17.

The figures were revealed by a Freedom of Information request by the Scottish Conservatives.

The party said speed cameras have a role to play in improving road safety but should not be seen as “cash cows”.

Scottish Conservative transport spokesman Liam Kerr said: “Motorists completely accept speed cameras have a place on Scotland's roads to ensure safe driving.

“But there is a widespread suspicion that these are set up not to reduce speed, but to generate money from those edging over the various speed limits they police.

“The fact that an ever-increasing amount of money is being generated from motorists for whom driving is becoming ever more expensive, will only reinforce this view that they are first and foremost simply being used as revenue-generators.

“Speed cameras should be situated where their presence has a demonstrable positive impact on road safety and accident prevention.

“Too many seem to be placed in areas such as the first clear straight on an A-road, ensuring that those carrying out an appropriate, safety conscious, overtaking manoeuvre but exceeding the speed limit are caught out.