SNP manifesto launch on hold after Manchester terror attack

The Scottish parties have suspended election campaigning

Published 23rd May 2017
Last updated 23rd May 2017

Election campaigning has been postponed following the explosion in Manchester which left 22 people dead and 59 injured.

The SNP suspended the launch of its General Election manifesto in Edinburgh on Tuesday as all parties chose not to continue campaigning as a mark of respect.

The Scottish Government is to host a meeting of the Scottish Resilience Committee later in response to the attack at Manchester Arena where the singer Ariana Grande was performing on Monday night.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: "My thoughts are with the victims, their families and all those who have been affected by this barbaric attack in Manchester.

"The Scottish Government is working with Police Scotland and the UK Government to ensure that we have a full understanding of the developing situation.

"I will convene a meeting of the Scottish Government's Resilience Committee this morning to receive an update and to consider any implications for Scotland.''

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said: "This is a barbaric and sickening attack, targeted at young and vulnerable people enjoying a night at a concert.

"It is a heartbreaking moment for our country, and our thoughts are with the families and friends of those who have lost their lives and with those who are injured.

Ms Dugdale paid tribute to the emergency services involved in the response to the attack.

She added: "Across the UK we are today grieving for the people of Manchester. I pay tribute to the dedication of the brave emergency service workers who ran into danger.

"We have all been moved by the actions of ordinary people who opened their doors, cared for scared youngsters, provided transport to concert-goers, and are giving blood at donor banks to help those injured. This great city is today demonstrating to the world the true spirit of Manchester.

"As a mark of respect, Scottish Labour will be suspending all General Election campaigning today.''

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said: "I am horrified by the deaths and injuries in Manchester.

"My deepest sympathies are with the victims, and with families who have lost loved ones, as well as those desperately waiting for news.

"As a sign of respect, all General Election campaigning has been suspended.''