Shell fined after offshore worker hit by gas cylinder

Published 3rd Aug 2018

Oil firm Shell has been fined £60,000 after a technician was seriously injured offshore.

The worker was struck by a cylinder on the Brent Delta platform on November 9, 2014.

Shell UK admitted a health and safety breach and was issued the fine on Friday, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) said.

Aberdeen Sheriff Court heard how a technician rolled what he thought was an empty gas cylinder along the floor and took off the protective cap before realising it was fully charged.

The trigger mechanism activated and the force of the gas released caused him to drop the cylinder to the floor.

The cylinder and valve became projectiles, which struck and severely injured a second technician.

HSE found the company failed to ensure risks associated with the handling of pressurised cylinders were eliminated.

The company also failed to remove pressurised cylinders which were not suitable for use in a safe and secure manner and to ensure appropriate information was provided in respect of the handling and use of energised gas cylinders, HSE said.

HSE inspector David Josiah said: “This incident could so easily have been avoided by simply carrying out correct control measures and safe working practices."