Sex attacker facing jail

A rapist who claimed his child victim made up an allegation of sexual assault after he gave her a row over the state of her room was jailed today.

Published 21st Nov 2016

A rapist who claimed his child victim made up an allegation of sexual assault after he gave her a row over the state of her room was jailed today.

Warren Gillespie left the schoolgirl bruised and distressed after carrying out an attack and rape on her.

41 year-old Gillespie had been left looking after the 12-year-old girl and other youngsters when their mother went for a night out with friends.

The child victim later revealed to her mother what had happened and police were contacted.

Gillespie, formerly of, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, was detained and interviewed by officers.

Advocate depute Lisa Gillespie told the High Court in Edinburgh: "He denied the allegation and suggested that the victim had fabricated it due to his having reprimanded her for the untidy state of her bedroom."

The court heard that forensic analysis of clothing backed up the girl's account of what had occurred.

The prosecutor said that shortly after the victim's mother had left for her night out Gillespie had gone into the girl's room where she was lying on her bed using a laptop computer.

The girl told him to stop and go away and tried to move away from him. Gillespie continued with the assault and subjected her to rape.

The child victim kicked Gillespie which caused him to stop and leave the room, the court heard.

Former supermarket worker Gillespie admitted sexually assaulting and raping the girl in September 2014 at an address in Portlethen, near Aberdeen, when he appeared in court today.

Judge Kenneth Maciver QC deferred sentence on him for the preparation of a background report.

The judge told him: "You will understand you have pled guilty to a very serious charge." He told Gillespie that he would take account of the gravity of the offence involving the rape of a girl under the age of 13 when it came to sentencing.

Mr Maciver said a report prepared on the rapist should also address any risk Gillespie may present in future, particularly to young females.

The judge put Gillespie on the sex offenders' register and ordered that he be remanded in custody ahead of sentencing next month.