Seven Scottish universities secure share of £20M funding

The cash from the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council will be used for PhD students to carry out research

Published 29th Feb 2016

Seven Scottish universities are to share £20.2 million in UK Government funding to support PhD students.

The money, from the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, is part of a UK-wide £167 million fund for doctoral research.

Funding is awarded on the quality of research projects and will support new PhD students starting in October 2016 and 2017.

The universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde will share more than £9.3 million towards projects such as research into optics and imaging to develop more accurate diagnoses for brain conditions and other diseases.

Jo Johnson, the UK Universities and Science Minister, said: "This new funding recognises the high quality of research in Scotland, and builds on our protection for science spending in the UK.

"These seven universities will be able to take on more doctoral students to support their most promising research, leading to new discoveries like more accurate imaging for medical diagnoses and training Scotland's science leaders of the future.''

Scotland Office Minister Andrew Dunlop added: "Scottish universities have a strong track record and rich history in science and innovation, punching well above their weight across the world.

"This funding demonstrates the UK Government's continued commitment to support Scotland as a leading nation in science, research and innovation, as well as providing additional opportunities for our young people here in Scotland.''

Funding has also been awarded to Heriot-Watt University, University of Edinburgh, University of St Andrews, University of Dundee and University of Aberdeen.