Seven charged in drink driving crackdown

Five men and two women will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal

Published 7th Nov 2017

Seven people were charged with alleged drink driving offences at the weekend during continued road traffic patrols across the North East.

The five men and two women will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

Road Policing Inspector Neil Morrison said: “Time and time again we make repeated pleas for motorists to not drink and drive, to take responsibility for their actions behind the wheel, and to use roads safely for the benefit of everyone. The majority of motorists realise that simply having one drink is one too many and that they should not be getting behind the wheel. Unfortunately, there is still a persistent minority of drivers who continue to ignore the law.

"As we approach the festive period there will undoubtedly be more opportunities to attend social functions, office parties and such like, and I would encourage everyone to think seriously about their actions and the devastating consequences of drink driving.

"A conviction for drink driving will lead to an automatic 12 month (minimum) driving ban, a criminal record, points on your licence, a substantial fine or imprisonment, not to mention the increased risk of being injured in a collision.

“The consequences of drink driving can be devastating and I would encourage anyone who suspects someone may be drink driving to contact the police with any information that may lead to that persons detection, arrest and conviction. Drink driving must not be regarded as the social norm, and everyone has a responsibility to eradicate this unacceptable, anti-social and irresponsible behaviour from our roads. Don't risk it - don’t drink and drive."