Scottish Government working with experts to amend named person legislation

Published 30th Jul 2016

The Deputy First Minister has begun talks with key public sector leaders and charities to ensure the successful introduction of the named person service to support children and families across Scotland.

Following the UK Supreme Court’s ruling on a challenge to the policy this week, the Scottish Government pledged to amend the legislation to provide clarity around the information-sharing provisions of the Children and Young People Act.

On Thursday, John Swinney confirmed the Scottish Government remained committed to the named person policy and would start work immediately so the necessary legislative amendments could be made.

Mr Swinney said: ''Our aim has always been for the named person to provide timely support for children and families. We have always said that as part of that role, we expect that any sharing of personal information should be proportionate and relevant. The Supreme Court’s ruling makes clear that while the principle of providing a named person for each child does not breach human rights, we need to do further work to ensure those performing the role have greater clarity about sharing information, as required by the Court. I have already spoken directly with senior figures from the public and third sectors including NHS, local authorities and Police Scotland to discuss our next steps. We will continue these discussions, including with professional bodies, to use the expertise of those working directly with children and families as we move forward with our plans.''

He added: ''Through our widely-supported approach to early intervention and getting it right for every child, developed over the last decade, and through the named person service specifically, we aim to place the needs of children at the heart of public services. It is vital that we take all effective steps to support the wellbeing of our children in Scotland. I look forward to working with our stakeholders so we can roll out this vital service across Scotland at the earliest possible date. As I have made clear, the Government remains absolutely committed to the named person service so we can get it right for every child and ensure families get the right support when they need it.''