Call for the Scottish Government to crack down on Spiking

Following boycotts of nightclubs last night, an Aberdeen group is asking Holyrood to strengthen the laws

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 29th Oct 2021

An Aberdeen based group is campaigning for the Scottish Government to strengthen laws on spiking.

'Reclaim These Streets Aberdeen' wants Ministers at Holyrood to review the current legislation.

The Scottish Government itself says there is no specific offence for drink spiking and in the a 5 year period (14/15-18/19) only four offences were prosecuted in Scotland, which were for 'administering a substance for sexual purposes'.

It follows a coordinated boycott of nightclubs by groups across the country to demand action on a recent spike in reports of druggings.

READ MORE: Why clubbers are boycotting venues

Police said earlier this week that there have been 15 reports in Aberdeen between September 1st and October 21st this year.

That includes at least two investigations into allegations that include needles.

Abbie Malone organised the Aberdeen branch of the 'Girls Night In' boycott.

She told Northsound News:

"What we've been hearing a lot recently from the Police, local councils and the government is 'well there's always an increase of reports of these sorts of things in September and October and November'

"And whilst that may be the case, I think it's important that we don't use that statistic to steer away from the fact this is an issue that plagues women every day of the year.

"This is something we have to worry about all the time.

"I think It's very telling when you look at the number of confirmed cases of spiking in a certain time period and a certain place and compare them to the number of confirmed arrests or open investigations."

Abbie is set to meet Aberdeen MSP Kevin Stewart about the matter later today (Friday October 29th).

There she will outline her thoughts to the SNP Minister.

Speaking to Northsound News about spikings, Mr Stewart said:

"These incidents are appalling acts that should be met with zero tolerance.

"I was deeply alarmed by the stories that were reported to my office.

"The work women have done in Aberdeen to campaign on this issue should be absolutely commended."

READ MORE: NHS Grampian issue advice on spiking

The MSP say's he has written to local Police to encourage proactive measures on the issue.

"I'm encouraged by the changes we are already starting to see.

"But this is only the beginning and we are not at the end of this process until people feel like they are safe when out and about in this city.

"Women must feel like their concerns around spikings will be taken seriously and that they won't just be considered a drunk quine whose had too much to drink."

If you or someone you are with have believe you have been spiked, NHS Grampian advise seeking help straight away and informing Police Scotland.

You can also get in touch with organisations like Rape Crisis Scotland here or by calling their helpline: 08088 01 03 02

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