Scottish Government reports 36 more coronavirus deaths

Published 9th May 2020

The Scottish Government has said that 36 more people have died from coronavirus since Friday. A total of 1,847 patients have died in Scotland after testing positive for the virus, while 13,305 people have now tested positive, up by 156 from 13,149 the day before.

There are 93 people in intensive care with coronavirus or coronavirus symptoms, an increase of nine on Friday.

There are 1,585 people in hospital with confirmed or suspected Covid-19, an increase of one.

Since March 5, 3,016 people who have tested positive for coronavirus have been able to leave hospital.

The news comes as another resident of the Home Farm care home on Skye was confirmed to have died, taking the total to six.

According to statistics from the Scottish Government, there were 4,406 suspected cases of Covid-19 in Scotland's care homes, an increase of 125 from Friday.

As of Friday, 44% of adult care homes in the country had at least one confirmed case of the virus, the equivalent of 470 facilities.

Data by the Scottish Government shows a downward trend in the number of people being treated in hospital for confirmed or suspected Covid-19, with Friday's total the lowest since April 4.

The data was published ahead of an announcement expected from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Sunday, where she will outline what changes, if any, will be made to lockdown measures.

The First Minister said the Scottish Government, which is ultimately responsible for the lockdown north of the border, is only looking into the possibility of extending the amount of exercise people are able to take on a daily basis.

Following the statutory three-week review of the measures on Thursday, the First Minister confirmed that the lockdown would need to continue, which she had said in the days leading up to the decision.

Ms Sturgeon's Welsh counterparts outlined plans to reopen parts of the economy, including garden centres and some recycling centres and libraries.