Scottish Government to bring forward stimulus measures in wake of Brexit vote

The Scottish Government is to bring forward infrastructure spending to support jobs in the wake of the EU referendum.

Published 10th Aug 2016

The Scottish Government is to bring forward infrastructure spending to support jobs in the wake of the EU referendum.

Measures to stimulate the economy and provide more business advice to alleviate uncertainty are to be outlined by Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday.

The First Minister is also calling on the UK Government to create a UK-wide stimulus package.

The new infrastructure funding in Scotland will be used to accelerate planned projects and support jobs''.

Ms Sturgeon said: The EU referendum outcome has created deep and widespread uncertainty.

The UK Government has not yet taken a single meaningful step to alleviate that uncertainty, so the Scottish Government is taking early action to boost confidence, stimulate economic activity and reassure business.

We will supplement our Infrastructure Investment Plan, which is already delivering major improvements with #6 billion of projects currently under construction, with new spending this year to accelerate planned projects and support jobs.

And we'll put in place new arrangements to engage with businesses to shape policy and provide up-to-date information and advice. These measures will help support new and existing jobs and alleviate business concerns at this difficult time.

The UK Government also needs to act urgently and create a UK-wide stimulus package, including enabling the Scottish Government to do more to accelerate capital spending.''