Scammers strike in the North East taking £1.2million in just three weeks

Author: Phil McDonaldPublished 23rd May 2018
Last updated 23rd May 2018

Police have revealed a small number of people in the North East have been scammed out of a total of £1.2million pounds in the past few weeks.

They're warning everyone to be aware of so-called "vishing" - when the caller often pretends to be from your bank.

Details of the cases are being kept private to protect the identities of the victims - but in many cases victims are told to protect their savings to what they call a "safe account" - and the money's then lost.

Detective Inspector Iain McPhail said: “Scams like these are completely sickening, with the criminal at the other end of the phone having no regard for their victim and the devastation their actions will cause.

"Pension pots and retirement funds can be stolen within a matter of minutes, with hard-earned savings wiped out without warning.

“Sadly the victims deliberately targeted in these cases are often older or someone that’s perceived to be more vulnerable. They prey on people’s good nature and use scare tactics. It is cruel, it is callous and it is beyond comprehension.

“In these most recent cases the callers have pretended to be from their victim’s bank saying they are investigating fraudulent activity by staff within the organisation.

"They ask their victim to move substantial amounts of money into foreign accounts for safe-keeping and request that they do not report the call for fear of ruining the investigation.

"The fraudsters also induce the victims to attend their own bank or building society personally to transfer the money abroad, providing the cover story that it is for some form of international investment.

“Let me be clear that banks will NEVER make phone calls like this asking you to move money, in particular into a foreign account. If you do receive such a call, hang up and call Police immediately.

"You wouldn't hand over your life savings to a stranger on the street, so you should NEVER consider transferring money to a stranger on the other end of a phone.

"Banks will also NEVER ask you to personally attend your local branch and make a transaction to a safe account.

“This type of scam isn’t new however the people who use them are getting more professional, sometimes using local accents and elaborate cover stories to draw you in.

"Often people who fall victim to this type of scam feel foolish as they think it will never happen to them, however these criminals know what tactics to use to force you into acting in a way you never imagine you could.

"At times these people have had daily contact with their victims a period of weeks to enhance their credibility and encourage the victims to carry out the transactions. Again, banks will NEVER do this.

“Fraudsters have been known to pass themselves off as a member of any legitimate organisation, not just your bank, and they might make attempts to obtain your security or financial details instead of you being the one to transfer money.

"Let me be clear that banks will NEVER call and request that you disclose personal financial details, especially PIN numbers.

If a call seems suspicious put the phone down."