Rival Views Of Marischal Square

The campaign group against the controversial Marischal Square development have released two images, showing the proposed project, and what they would prefer. Meanwhile Muse Development have also released pictures showing what the completed building will look like.

Published 23rd Jan 2015

A number of images have been released today showing different ideas of what the controversial Marischal Square will and should look like.

The campaign group against the development released two photographs today, one showing what they believe will be the true extent of the building once it is completed, and another of a green space on the site, which they are fighting to have.

Muse Development also released two photographs this morning, of views from inside the proposed Marischal Square.

To see the images, go to our gallery here.

Earlier this week, the campaign group handed a petition woth 6,000 signatures against the project in to the City Council, in an attempt to have a 'temporary delay' placed on the site.

If granted, that would mean that no further construction work would be allowed to take place, until further notice.

A protest at the site is also organised to take place this Saturday at 1pm.

But Aberdeen City Council Finance Convenor Willie Young, told Northsound News reporter Hope Webb that all this action is "too late" as the City Council no longer own the site, therefore have no control over it.

To listen to Hope Webb's full interview with Willie Young, go here.

What do you think about it all. Let us know.