Prime Minister hits back at SNP Brexit agreement claims

Theresa May has brushed aside calls for Scotland to have a say on Brexit amid accusations she had "delayed, blocked and lectured" the devolved governments over leaving the European Union.

Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon
Published 22nd Mar 2017

Theresa May has brushed aside calls for Scotland to have a say on Brexit amid accusations she had "delayed, blocked and lectured" the devolved governments over leaving the European Union.

SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson challenged the Prime Minister over plans to trigger Article 50 on March 29, saying she "glossed" over the fact she had failed to reach a UK-wide agreement on the terms.

However, Mrs May accused the SNP of failing to respect the democratic votes of both the Scottish independence referendum and the EU vote by demanding a different choice for Scotland.

The exchange came as MSPs were expected to back First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's calls for a second independence referendum following a two-day debate in the Scottish Parliament.

Speaking during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Robertson said: "Last year the Prime Minister promised that she would secure a UK-wide agreement from the governments of Scotland, of Wales and Northern Ireland, and her Government, before triggering Article 50 on Brexit.

"Since then, she has delayed, she blocked, she has been intransigent and she has lectured, and surprise, surprise, she has no agreement. There is no agreement.

"Will these be her negotiating tactics with the European Union?"

Mrs May said "every effort" had been put into work with the devolved administrations and to ensure a Brexit deal for the whole of the United Kingdom.

To shouts and jeers from MPs, she said: "This isn't a question about whether the people of Scotland should have a choice about the future.

"The people of Scotland exercised their right to self-determination and voted in 2014 to remain a part of the United Kingdom.

"The people of the United Kingdom last year voted to leave the European Union.

"We are respecting both of those votes, he is respecting neither of them."