Police catch drivers above 100mph in Aberdeenshire

Police say they've caught two drivers travelling at over 100mph in Aberdeenshire.

Published 4th May 2016

Police say they've caught two drivers travelling at over 100mph in Aberdeenshire.

They say that both incidents happened with half an hour of each other on the B9077 South Deeside Road near Durris, a single carriageway road.

A 46 year old male was stopped just before 6:00pm having been detected travelling at 107 miles per hour.

Shortly afterwards a 25 year old male was stopped having been detected travelling at 106 miles per hour.

Road Policing Inspector Jon Barron said: "Many repeated warnings have been issued previously about the obvious perils of speeding. We are in the midst of a national campaign targeting inappropriate and excessive speeding that has also been widely publicised. I find it extremely disappointing to learn that these drivers are further examples of those who are willing to put themselves, and others, in such obvious danger. "South Deeside Road is a two-way undivided carriageway and is subject to a maximum speed limit of 60 miles per hour for cars. It has many potentially dangerous features with frequent changes in road surface and condition, various minor junctions, some of which have limited or no views, and at times limited visibility of the road ahead due to regular tight bends. "The B9077 regularly features on our patrols due to it having a significant collision history and the fact that nearby residents and community groups frequently voice their concerns about the speeds that some vehicles are driven at on the road. "It simply defies belief that some motorists continue to show such blatant disregard for their own safety and importantly the safety of other road users. Had either vehicle been involved in a collision, it is highly likely that the occupants, or those in any other vehicle involved, would have been killed. The consequences of inappropriate or excess speed are very real. Please don't think it can't happen to you. Far too many lives have already been lost and lives ruined by life-changing serious injuries in collisions across the North-East. Please slow down, pay attention to what's around you and respect everyone's safety." Both motorists have been reported to the Procurator Fiscal in relation to dangerous driving.