PM stresses importance of joint working by police across UK to fight terror

The Prime Minister has met with officers from Police Scotland to discuss counter terrorism in the wake of the Westminster attack.

Theresa May
Published 27th Mar 2017

The Prime Minister has met with officers from Police Scotland to discuss counter terrorism in the wake of the Westminster attack.

Theresa May stressed the importance of joint working by police forces across the UK during a visit to Govan in Glasgow.

Police Scotland is due to lead on a counter terrorism operation later this year, and Mrs May told officers: "Obviously our thoughts are still with the family and friends of those who were killed in the attack that took place in London last week.

"Of course as we look to dealing with terrorism we need a multi-faceted approach.

"Police Scotland is the second biggest force in the UK, with huge capabilities and capacity, and working with other police forces across the UK to help to keep us safe.

"Thank-you for all that you and your officers do to help keep us safe and secure.

"Obviously as we look to the future we want to make sure, ensure that we are getting that cross-fertilisation across police forces."

On the counter terrorism operation later this year, Mrs May said: "It is an important example in showing how forces can work together in this very important area, because it is essential that we use all our capacity but also that we have that cross-fertilisation and experience and expertise between forces."

Pc Keith Palmer, 48, was stabbed by terrorist Khalid Masood in an 82-second rampage in London last Wednesday which killed three other people who had been on Westminster Bridge.

Masood drove his car along the bridge at speed, mowing down pedestrians, and was shot dead by police after he stormed the parliamentary estate armed with two knives.

The Prime Minister is in Scotland to meet the First Minister to discuss Brexit ahead of triggering Article 50.