Plans for potential Ellon rail link unveiled

Politicians from across the north east met today to hear the findings of two reports by Nestrans which look at improving the transport links north of Aberdeen

Published 3rd Nov 2017
Last updated 3rd Nov 2017

Plans for a potential train link with Ellon have been unveiled.

Politicians from across the north east met today to hear the findings of two reports by Nestrans which look at improving the transport links north of Aberdeen.

Three options for a rail line to the North East town have been published – the project could cost nearly £400 million, and would see both Newmachar and Ellon benefit from new stations.

The reports published today however don’t mean the line will definitely go ahead, they simply give an idea of what’s possible. Politicians will be asked to decide their favourite option, which will then go forward to the next stage of planning – working out the finances and if the project is a viable option for the Shire.

There is another choice though, with Systra undertaking a report into whether upgrading the A90 and A952 would make things better for Shire commuters. A package of measures, including new roundabouts at the Toll of Birness and Cortes junctions, upgrades at other junctions, safety improvements and overtaking opportunities as well as partial dualling of the route – that would cost significantly less than reinstating the rail line at £39 million.

Nestrans Chair, Councillor Peter Argyle said, “We have had a very valuable and interesting morning hearing presentations and discussing the findings with the two sets of consultants leading on the reports.

“What we can see in the road report is that if we can obtain what we see as a fairly modest investment from Transport Scotland, we could deliver new infrastructure that would deliver benefits to travel in the North-east. With a phased delivery of investments to the A90 and surrounding roads, we would see a series of road measures to improve safety for road users, reduced journey times, improved journey time reliability, but with little impact on emissions outputs.

Options put forward for potential rail link to Ellon

“The findings from the rail report are not as clear cut; the study shows that whilst reinstating a rail line between Aberdeen, Dyce and Ellon would be materially feasible, popular amongst travellers, environmentally beneficial through reducing emissions and would bring benefits to the area, it also finds that, at this moment in time, it is significantly more expensive and would require ongoing subsidy.

“Both reports present us with some very detailed analysis into the opportunities and give us a much clearer and informed position on the feasibility and merits of both options.”

Nestrans will now consult with both Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Councils, before bringing the study back to the Nestrans board early next year when they will make a decision to proceed either one or both options