Peterhead RNLI station to return to full service

The service which was taken off in June due to "personal rivalries and historic disagreements" will resume full force on November 9th.

Peterhead lifeboat
Author: Lewis MichiePublished 30th Oct 2019

Peterhead's lifeboat service will return to full service next month, after implementing a phased return from a pause in action due to disagreements within the crew.

There were celebrations on Monday as the crew announced the full return, whilst also reviewing a shout on Sunday where they battled a force eight gale over 12 hours to return a over 150 tonne fishing boat to the harbour.

Aberdeen and Fraserburgh crews have provided cover in the meantime.

During Monday night’s meeting, Jurgen Wahle, Peterhead volunteer Lifeboat Operations Manager and Henry Weaver, Area Lifesaving Manager, announced to the crew that the station would be returning to full service from 9 November.

Jurgen said: “A huge amount of work and dedication from volunteers and staff alike has gone into the station over the past months and it’s brilliant to see that effort paying off with the station returning to full service. Our focus is now on continuing to develop our volunteers, welcome new recruits and to, as always, provide a world class lifesaving service to our local community."

"Everyone at the station thanks the town for their ongoing support of the lifeboat and her crew” As volunteers and a full-time staff member, continue to train, the station will be supported by an RNLI fleet-staff Coxswain, allowing the station to return to full service."