Paedophile jailed for abusing boys in Aberdeenshire

Allan Fraser who admitted molesting three teenagers was also ordered to be monitored in the community for three years after his release from prison.

Published 28th Mar 2017
Last updated 28th Mar 2017

A paedophile who mutilated himself in a bid to stop him sexually abusing boys has been jailed for seven and a half years.

Service engineer Allan Fraser who admitted attacking three teenagers was also ordered to be monitored in the community for three years after his release from prison.

Judge Lady Scott told Fraser: “You treated these boys as objects for your sexual gratification. You are assessed as a high risk of re-offending and I am satisfied you present a risk of harm to children.”

She added: “You appalling conduct has affected your victims.”

Fraser, 41, of Aberdeen, admitted the offences which were committed between 2004 and 2016.

One boy described being “frozen with fear'” as Fraser sexually abused him.

He said that Fraser went on to regularly abuse him when he babysat him while the boy's mother was out for the night.

Fraser also abused the boy as his business premises, a garage at an industrial estate in Aberdeen.

Prosecutor Ian Wallace said: “The boy did not want to do any of this, but he did not know how to stop the accused. He was scared of him.

“He says this abuse has had a significant emotional effect on him. It has affected his confidence and relationships.”

Fraser had sex with a second boy when the boy was aged between 14 and 16 and also showed him pornographic videos.

The court heard that the abuse on the third boy started when he was 13. One one occasion the accused asked the boy to send a photograph of his private parts.

The offence were committed at various addresses in Aberdeenshire.

Mr Wallace said: “The abuse has had a significant impact of this boy. He is undergoing counselling and therapy.”

Defence counsel Lorraine Glancy said: “The accused has attended a programme for sex offenders called Stop It Now which aims to prevent re-offending.

“He accepts the damage to his victims will affect them for the rest of their lives. He realises his conduct was extremely damaging.

“In a bid to prevent his behaviour he took to pouring bleach on himself”

Fraser was placed on the sex offenders' register.