One week left in the General Election campaign

Scottish leaders will take part in First Minister's Questions before hitting the campaign trail

Published 1st Jun 2017

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will face her political rivals at First Minister's Questions as the election campaign enters its last week.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie will join Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson and Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale in questioning the First Minister.

Following the Manchester terror attack, last week's First Minister's Questions had a sombre and respectful air as parties stressed that using the platform for campaigning would have been inappropriate at the time.

With just seven days before voters take to the polls, a return to heated debate is expected.

Following FMQs, Mr Rennie will take to his bike on the election campaign trail, beginning what the party is billing as a "flying finish'' tour of Scottish seats the Liberal Democrats hope to seize from the SNP.

He said it is a "straight choice between the Liberal Democrats and the SNP'' in seats such as East Dunbartonshire, North East Fife, Edinburgh West and Caithness and urged anti-independence voters in these areas to "rally behind the Liberal Democrats to stop the SNP's plans''.

Ms Dugdale will continue her election campaign at a florist's in Edinburgh.

Ms Sturgeon will campaign with SNP candidates in Edinburgh in the afternoon and will say that with seven days to go until the election, voters in Scotland face "a clear choice between the SNP, who want a strong voice for Scotland, or the Tories, who want to silence Scotland''.