Offshore workers balloted over possible industrial action

Published 18th Jun 2018

A union is balloting offshore members on three North Sea platforms over possible industrial action in a row of over terms and conditions.

Unite said its members at Total E&P on the Alwyn, Elgin and Dunbar platforms will be given ballot papers with two questions, support for an overtime ban and for day stoppages - effectively a 24-hour strike.

Workers agreed to work 14 days extra offshore at the height of the downturn in the oil industry and now the union wants the days back and a return to a two weeks on, three weeks off rota.

Currently the platforms operate this schedule, but twice a year staff work three weeks on and two weeks off to account for the 14 extra days.

The union claims the oil and gas firm has put forward a proposal for three weeks on, three weeks off rota - meaning an extra seven days offshore.

This would bring staff in line with workers on Maersk Oil installations which Total E&P recently acquired.

Willie Wallace, Unite regional industrial officer, said: The intransigence of Total E&P in the context of our members doing all they could to help the company during the downturn is staggering.

Unite members gave up their claw-back days for no extra payment and instead the company's idea of a reward is to impose extra working days.

The proposal to enforce three week shift rotas is also completely unacceptable.

No one should be expected to work twenty one days in a row, working twelve hour shifts, being pushed to the limits of what is safe mentally and physically.

Unite members are resolute in opposing these proposals and we have no option but to move towards a ballot for industrial action.''

A Total spokesman said: Total E&P UK is consulting with its offshore workforce on their current terms and conditions.

Following the recent acquisition of Maersk Oil we now have a number of different rotas across our worksites and we would like to introduce a uniform system.

The consultation process is now underway and we will maintain an open dialogue with all of our workforce and their representatives.''

The ballot closes on June 28