Nurseries given guidance on how to reopen safely

Published 15th Jun 2020

Nurseries and other early-learning providers have been given new guidelines to help them reopen safely as the coronavirus lockdown eases.

The Scottish Government has set out new rules for nurseries, most of which are due to reopen later this summer during phase three of the exit from lockdown.

They will be required to improve hygiene, care for children in small groups and maximise the use of outdoor space.

Social-distancing measures will also be required during drop-off and pick-up times, while interaction between the groups of children will be kept to a minimum.

Public health experts, charities, councils and trade unions helped to produce the new guidance.

Children's Minister Maree Todd said: We all want our youngest children to be back enjoying their nurseries and playing with friends as soon as possible.

However, the safety of children and staff must come first, so nurseries and other childcare settings can only fully reopen when public health advice tells us it is safe to do so.

This new guidance makes clear the principles that should be followed in preparing for staff and children to return.

Our fantastic childcare practitioners know their settings best, and they will be responsible for ensuring all necessary steps are taken to restart high-quality learning and care in a nurturing and safe environment.''

Some nurseries have remained open to provide childcare for key workers during the pandemic.

Nurseries which are fully outdoors have been able to open since June 3, as part of phase one of Scotland's exit from full lockdown.