North Sea strikes suspended

North Sea strike action has been called off, after bosses and the unions agree to sit down for more talks

Published 12th Aug 2016

North Sea strike action has been suspended, after bosses and the unions agree to sit down for more talks.

There have already been stoppages by Wood Group contractors on Shell platforms, with more planned from next week.

Instead, there'll be a series of meetings to come to an agreement on pay.

UNITE and the RMT had claimed the proposed cuts would have been the equivalent of a 30% reduction in salary.

A joint statement has been released:

“Wood Group and the Unite and RMT unions can confirm we have agreed to restart the process for resolution of the current dispute. We will hold a number of full-day meetings over the next few weeks, starting early next week, to take a fresh look at the issues. All parties recognise that the challenges we are facing in the North Sea are both real and serious and there is acceptance that change is required and will happen.

“These fresh talks will allow all parties to bring ideas to the table and provide opportunities for employees in particular, along with unions and management, to contribute to a mutually successful outcome and demonstrate leadership in shaping the future of the North Sea. We believe that this collaborative approach to addressing the challenging and well-publicised situation in the oil & gas sector is the best way for us to resolve this current dispute and contribute to creating a sustainable model for the North Sea.

“For these talks to be successful, it is essential to create a constructive environment in which they can take place. Wood Group has therefore agreed to stop the implementation of the current proposal for the duration of this fresh engagement and talks, and in response to this RMT and Unite have agreed to suspend any further strike action for the duration of this fresh engagement and talks.

“During this period, and to facilitate open and honest discussions, neither Wood Group nor the unions will make any public statements in relation to this matter.”