North East teachers and learning specialists to take part in 'promoting equity week'

Led by the Northern Alliance, which includes Aberdeen City and Shire, staff will take part in online seminars to learn about the attainment gap.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 2nd Sep 2020

Education specialists from across the North-east, North and West of Scotland are to deliver a week-long series of digital professional learning events for teachers and practitioners from the end of September as part of a drive to increase awareness about child poverty in Scotland and the impact this has on learning.

Led by the Northern Alliance (Regional lmprovement Collaborative for the area’s eight local authorities) in collaboration with Education Scotland, Promoting Equity Week will run from Monday 28 September and will help schools across the region consider the barriers faced by young people living in poverty and investigate the pressures the pandemic has had on vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

Teachers and practitioners will have an opportunity to look at mitigating measures they can use in school, explore how they can best use Attainment Scotland funding and share ideas and best practice with peers on how to address the poverty-related attainment gap.

Lead officer Scott Calder explains: “At this time of pandemic, achieving equity for all our young people has never been more important or more challenging. Promoting Equity Week will provide an important opportunity to collaborate on what is working, share research and provide professional learning opportunities which will support the work of educators across the Northern Alliance. We hope it will help colleagues’ in understanding equity, raising attainment and closing the poverty-related attainment gap for our young people.”