North East fire and rescue dog Diesel wins 'Animal of the Year'

The springer spaniel was joined by his handler Gary as he collected his award at the House of Lords.

Search and rescue dog Disel from Torphins has been awarded with 'Animal of the Year' for his contributions to both the Scottish Fire and Rescue service and United Kingdom Internatiinal Search and Rescue Team.

Diesel is on-call across the whole of Scotland but he can also at times be called overseas.

In 2015, the Spaniel was called to Nepal after an earthquake in the country.

Handler and crew commander Gary Carroll said:

“It is a proud moment for me as I’ve had Diesel since he was a puppy and seen him progress into a fully qualified search dog.

“We have a unique bond where he looks after me and I look after him.”

He added: “But, I couldn’t do it all without the help of my wife Marianne and my two sons who have helped training Diesel and have always been there to support us.

“It’s fantastic to be here to accept this award and on behalf of both of us I would like to pass on my thanks to whomever nominated or voted for Diesel.

“This award is not just for us but for all of the ISAR Search dog teams across the UK.