New team to cut down cost of agency workers in NHS

The Scottish Government has appointed team to drive down the cost of using temporary agency workers in the NHS.

Published 3rd Dec 2015

The Scottish Government has appointed team to drive down the cost of using temporary agency workers in the NHS.

The new Managed Staffing Network Team will help health boards with their workforce planning and budgets to ensure they are spending public money efficiently.

Health Secretary Shona Robison said agency nurse and midwife costs have fallen 13% since the SNP entered office, and said the new team will ensure best value alongside her efforts to recruit more NHS nurses.

Jim Miller, director for procurement commissioning and facilities at NHS National Services Scotland, is leading team.

He said: All organisations have a need to recruit staff on a temporary basis, to cover for unexpected events or fill gaps.

But in the NHS it is important that we so this as efficiently as possible, so that we make best use of public money.

National guidance already exists. This scheme should support NHS Boards to deliver on that guidance, so that every part of Scotland makes the best use of their resources.''

Ms Robison said: Under this Government the number of NHS employees has risen to a record high, with over 1,000 additional nursing and midwifery staff recruited in the last year alone.

We've also introduced mandatory nursing workforce planning tools, which are playing a part in the further expansion of our nursing workforce.

Both the overall rate of nursing vacancies and spending on agency nurses are lower today than when we came to office - since 2007, agency nursing and midwifery costs have reduced by 13%.

In 2014/15 agency staff made up only 0.3% of the total nursing and midwifery workforce.

However we know that we need to address the complex issues which influence the recruitment and retention of Scotland's NHS workforce.

We are committed to ensuring that we continue to strive for the best possible quality and value for NHS Scotland from all our suppliers, and this new team is another asset to help us achieve this.

We are working closely with boards across Scotland to implement a range of measures to support the recruitment and retention of staff.''