New AWPR Public Centre Opens In Stonehaven

Published 6th Aug 2015

A brand new public contact and education centre for the AWPR has opened its doors in Stonehaven today.

Its at the Mains of Ury and will be open to the public between 9am and 5pm on weekdays, and 10am and 4pm on Saturdays.

It will provide residents with all the information surrounding what is currently the UK's longest road construction project currently underway.

The AWPR team has also employed seven new modern apprentices, all from Northfield Academy, giving them the opportunity to start their engineering and construction careers.

Transport Minsiter Derek Mackay said:

"There has been an enormous amount of interest from across the north east about the AWPR/B-T and this Contact and Education Space will give local communities, residents, road users and businesses the opportunity to speak directly with the people tasked with delivering this critical infrastructure project.

"The 'Space' will provide a wealth of information about the road. For instance, you can find out about the variety of environmental mitigation techniques used across the 58km project, how we aim to keep children who live near this building site safe and how we encourage school leavers to consider careers in construction and much more."